Not All Insects Are Pests In Organic Food Farming

 A natural phenomenon that is happening all the time in the nature is the law of food chain; every organism needs to obtain energy in order to live. For non-primary producers like human being, we are not able to make our own food from sunlight; therefore we need to consume another organism to obtain the necessary energy and one of the most traditional methods I would like to discuss here is growing of plant/crop for consuming.

However, as the farmers start to grow plant/crop, another group of organisms (known as pests to human being) are drawn to the crop in order for them to survive too. While they are eating up those crops, they have indirectly reduced the quantity and profit margins for the farmers.

In order to protect commercial interest, conventional farmers start to use chemical pesticides to kill the "pest" in order to protect those foods but this could also lead to the potential harm on consumer's health when we eat those foods with pesticides sustaining on the plants.

Based on the law of food chain, we could actually introduce some beneficial insects that are actually predator of those common pests. With these beneficial insects around, the amount of pests will be kept under control and the use of chemical pesticides can therefore be avoided. This method is actually being used by the Organic Certified Farms.

Insects like ladybugs are one of the best friends you can have in farm. They love Aphids which are extremely destructive to the crop if left unattended. In order to attract the ladybugs, we need to grow plants that can provide food and shelter for them. Plants like Angelica, Caraway, Cilantro, Dill, Fennel, Tansy, Wild Carrot, Yarrow, etc. are some of the good choices.

Another best friend you can have in farm is Lacewing, beside Aphids; they also eat eggs of Caterpillars, Mites, Order Thysanoptera (Thrips), White-flies and a variety of other small soft-bodied pests. In order to attract the lacewing, some of the choices we can grow are Allysum, Borage, Dilland Elderberry.

The third best friend you can have that I will mention in this article is Parasitic Wasps, they are the natural predators of grubs. In order to attract Parasitic Wasps, some of the choices we can grow are Firethorn (Pyracantha), Forsythia, Garden Cosmos, Lemon Balm, Parsley, Peonies and Sea Lavender.

There are more than 3 beneficial insects around in the nature other than the ones discussed here; the law of food chain always exists and we can always use the most natural ways to do everything. The time has come where we should take Organic Food seriously as this is the way how our food is grown from past to now until chemical pesticides come into the picture.

S.KC, a part time blogger who come across Organic Food Concept few years back and decide to start searching for more information on Organic related stuff since then in order to gain his knowledge and to share them with his friends. He believes that Organic Products will be the products in the future and by going the Organic way also means going back to the natural way.

Food is basic need and it is one of the top in the hierarchy of human needs. We consume food everyday' 3 to even 6 times a day. Thus, food farming is always a promising business. There is wealth in farming if managed and marketed well. Look at Vietnam. The country now has grown to be a significant U.S. food producer since the American soldiers left. It has produced many Vietnamese food entrepreneurs. In fact, it has exponentially grown with an 8.5 gross domestic product (GDP), an economic rate better than China and India.

From rice to vegetables, farming could offer a vast opportunity including small joint venture. Farming joint ventures could range from leasing your land to a big food company to food marketing partnership and simply, food production and supply partnership.

What is gaining popularity in farming is capital ventures, where you just lend an amount of money to a farmer to fund his/her food production The joint venture will ensure continued food production, as long as funding and market continue.

Before lending the money, you should first study the market of the food produced. Does the food has a guaranteed market even after 5 years? How large is the demand for the produced food? Does the whole market system provide a good and lasting opportunity like has the government provided a law that requires production of a particular food as an ingredient for processed foods? Or does the market system is in dire need of production of a particular food because supplies are shortening?

Second, check the food production itself to see the viability of meeting the market demand. How many can be produced? As a more responsible joint venture partner, you may include checking its viability to environmental, health of consumers and life of the farmer. Does the food production use the traditional and inorganic pesticides and fertilizers? Does the production waste a lot of water? Does the production is in an environmentally-critical area like watershed area? Does the production earn a farmer a quality life?

Third, calculate the potential and after-production revenue and agree specifically on a revenue-sharing scheme. The scheme can solely depend on the size of capital lent to the food production. Carefully put the joint venture agreement into writing for legal purposes.

Lastly, lend the money.

Here's to your success

Rivers Corbett


"Award Winning Entrepreneur, and Joint Venture Specialist, Rivers Corbett offers an exclusive and exciting opportunity to a limited number of entrepreneurs who are looking to steer clear of the typical 

No matter where you are in the world, agricultural production is the basis for the economy of all nations. It is impossible for a political declaration to produce food or a usable product. Even the vast seas of the globe are agricultural producers of food. Agriculture is the sustenance of life, it produces food for the table, it produces medicinal products, it produces renewable wood products for shelter and heat. One cannot even begin to list every product or resource for which agriculture is responsible.

These account for the experience and education that a person receives when he partakes in the "Farm Experience". A dairy farmer learns early on that nutrition and health go hand in hand with milk production. The livestock feeder raises cattle, sheep, hog, chickens, turkeys, ducks and other animals providing food for countless other (many non-farm families). The crop producer provides corn, beans, peas, for food. Look in any grocery store and observe all the food stocks consumed daily by populations everywhere. More recently crops provide ethanol for fuel, solvents, starches and resins for plastic type products.

Further experience is in the form of mechanical capability: Learning the basics of engine and machine maintenance all the way to complete engine and transmission overhauls. Sophisticated electronic monitoring and electrical control of hydraulics are common place today, giving more, in depth, experience to the farmer.

How many people are capable of receiving income once a year (while depending on weather, government intrusion, non-local bankers, unreliable parts availability, disease, weeds and other frustrating problems) can stretch that income to a twelve month allocation?

Livestock and dairy farmers have to contend with all of the above crop problems plus: Fluctuation of feed prices, availability of feed, quality of feed, multiple nutrition needs and problems, health and veterinary requirements, price fluctuations just to name a few.

These people still possess the optimism of a saint. Pessimism can be as debilitating as a terminal disease. The "Farm Experience is a commendable and necessary attribute gained only by farming. Small business such as family farms and independent business owners all posses these attributes that have built America and world wide success while being confronted by adverse conditions.

The "Farm Experience" is really not limited just to farmers, small independent business owners succumb to similar parallel problems and experience learning and develop solutions similar to farmers. America's civilization and civilizations around the world as well as big international businesses are all founded in farming and small individual businesses.


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